Be gentle to all and stern with yourself
contact - mg at
Welcome to my personal site. If you're a business looking for more information about me or want to reach me, I refer you to my LinkedIn. For everyone else, I am a nerd who likes shiney new things. I like full-stack software, machines, logic/math, languages, security, and a whole lot more. I believe learning should be life-long process! I'm always looking for ways to give back to the 'community' I love to nerd-out over how things work, how things can be exploited, how to create and publish content, and I also like to document what I do, be it learning, coding, gaming, vlogging, and hacking, on YouTube.
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We all grow over time. I leave you with two quotes.
Let us make silence, whilst others make noise. - 2008 Me
Let's make noise while everyone else stays silent. - 2021 Me